Welcome to the MAC Environment Complaint Form
By creating an account, your address will be stored for future use while submitting your complaints.
If you are interested in learning more about aircraft operations, please visit our Flight Tracker or Reports pages for further information.
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For reporting purposes, complaints for any given month may only be entered on, or prior to, the 5th of the following month (e.g., complaints for February must be entered before midnight on March 5th).
Complaint details must include specific information, including: date, time, a.m. or p.m., at least one descriptor, airport generating the disturbance, and operation type (e.g., arrival, departure, unknown).
Duplicate complaints (i.e., multiple complaints reported with the same date and time) will not be accepted.
Aircraft noise complaint data are summarized, mapped and published monthly in the Technical Advisor's Report (pages 1 and 2).
Please review and follow our complaint guidelines to ensure your complaints are reported accurately.
Finding an address
The list of possible addresses is created from the most recent County address data provided by the Metropolitan Council.
If you have difficulty locating an address, please consider the following:
- Ensure that the direction prefix or sufix is correct (e.g. 28th Ave S vs S 28th Ave)
- Use abbreviations for the street type rather than the full name (AVE vs AVENUE)
- Be aware that multi-family buildings such as apartment complexes may have a different formal address.
Password requirements
Passwords must be at least 8 characters long.
Set or Reset Password
You've either created a new complaints account, or a request was made to reset the password associated with this email address. To set (or reset) your password please complete the form below.
Please note that your password must meet the following requirements:
- MUST contain at least one of each of the following characters
- An UPPERCASE character.
- A lowercase character.
- A number.
- A punctuation character.
- Must be at least 8 characters long.
- May not use the same character consecutively more than 2 times (so 'mississippi' would not meet this criteria, but 'appalachian' or 'success' would.)
- May not contain your first name, last name, or email address
- For account security, we will not allow a password that appears to be commonly used.
Your account has been created and a confirmation email sent to the address supplied.
You must click the validation link in this email to set your password and activate your account before you can sign in.
Thank you for your recent inquiry regarding aircraft activity at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport (MSP). We appreciate your interest and want you to know we are listening. The Metropolitan Airports Commission's (MAC) Noise Program Office has helped residents understand the complexities of aircraft noise for more than 30 years. We are here to help you too.